Minggu, 25 Agustus 2013

Who can do colon hydrotherapy ?

On last blog i writen information about colonic. Now the question is Who can do colon Hydrotherapy?.The answer are :
1. Colon hydrotherapy can do from 18 years old until 60 years old. The reason is  this old already easy to explain the procedure and Anal organ already strong enough put the tubing.
2. The person  have constipation, bloating and gas problem on stomach
3. Over weight
4. Do detox program
5. The client prepare do colonoscopy

What should  the client do before colonic ?.
The preparation before colonic is 4 hour do fasting or just take juice and enough water. Because when your stomach full if any pressure on your stomach can   fell nausea and vomitting as long colonic processing.

How the  felling  after the colonic session ?
Usually after do colonic client fell more light, stomach more soft if a lot off stool/ feces come out, less bloating and more have energy.

What should eat after colonic ?
After colonic we can eat everythings such as eat soft food like soup, juice, vegetable
  except spicy, acid food and meat. Because after colonic your large instestine still empety and may be some bad bacteria already clean as long colonic processing .That why after colonic the therapys or a nurse give probiotic for you. Because probiotic can helping new good bacteria grow up again . So that can make balance between bad bacteria and good bacteria in large instestine.

How many times can do colonic ?
For preventif 3 times in one months and repeat again every six month only one times or can be every 1 years only one times. Although we do defecation every day, but sometimes hard stool can still stuck in wall of   large of colon. That can  be makes nerve  large colon  hard working and blood circulation around the colon will not good enough to suply blood to large of colon. That why you can fell tied and discomfort of your stomach area. Large intestine very long and have austra. So that why need times to makes hard stool come out.

What is contra indication do Colonic ?
Some contra indication do colonic are : after finish surgery as like Secar surgery, heart disease, kidney failure, colon cancer, hernia, hemoroid inside, rectum cancer and rectal bleeding.

What is side efect do colonic ?
Some  effects occur when doing colonic by presedure  less precise. For example by mixing herbs or some liquid that should not be inserted into the rectum. Or do colonic many times . Colon cleansing may disrupt the balance between bacteria and natural chemicals in the bowel, and may interfere with the colon's ability to shed dead cells. So that why do colonic have arrange times. 

For more information please contact me at desakputusuliani@gmail.com .
I Do treatment at Gaia Holistic . My practicioner from Sunday to Friday at 09:00 am to 05:00 pm.
My office  contact number :(0361) 975119 I,m happy if i can give more information for  you. :)

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