Kamis, 22 Agustus 2013

Colonic part 2

Before in my blog ever writen about colonic. The Question is " that colonic good for our body and does it hurt ?". As one years my experience doing colonic i can answer that question . The colonic can made your immune  sytem more better  and can less constipation ,fell lighting,and colonic  doesn't made  your hurt.   Colonic in put tube to your Anal and use pressure and gravity sytem . The procedure beginning from low pressure of water , medium and finaly high .  That will do step by step and slow. As long the colonic processing a nurse will do massage on your stomach and expalaning all the processing . So the client fell relax and more comfortable .   The colon is last disgestive sytem in our body and colon place of feces . Feces is  the waste product human disgestive sytem and including bacteria. Every person have different color and quality feces. Depend the daily habit and diet they have.  Normally stool is semisolid, with a mucus coating. Small pieces of harder, less moist feces can sometimes be seen impacted on the distal (leading) end. This is a normal occurrence when a prior bowel movement is incomplete, and feces are returned from the rectum to the intestine, where water is absorbed.The people have problem with constipation .Usually daily habit have not enough eat fiber, intake water in adequat   or have less bowel movement . If you have constipation all the times and your bowel movement not iiregular. We should observe may be any some tumor in your colon . I read from goegle "
 The symptoms and signs of colorectal cancer depend on the location of tumor in the bowel, and whether it has spread elsewhere in the body (metastasis). The classic warning signs include: worsening constipation, blood in the stool, decrease in stool calibre, loss of appetite, loss of weight, and nausea or vomiting in someone over 50 years old.[3] While rectal bleeding or anemia are high-risk features in those over the age of 50,[4] other commonly-described symptoms including weight loss and change in bowel habit are typically only concerning if associated with bleeding.".  
Or any somethings else cause your constipation all the times. 

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