Constipation is condition that you have difficult for do bowel movement every day and the quality stool very hard . Before on my blog i writen about normal stool or feces. I will not explain again about normal feces .Please check or read again my blog about colonic part 2. Constipation can be havent to children , adult and old people. Constipation can cause by not adequat water intake, fiber intake , because you hospitalized ,less of do exercise, stress full life,take some medecine especialy antasid , depression , eating disorder, pregnancy, IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) and colon cancer. If you have constipation problem i sugest don't take a lot off laxative tablet. The reason why don't take laxatives tablet all the times is that medecine can be stimulation the colon nerve and can make your weaken the bowel muscles.
The symtom constipation are :
- Abdominal pain
- Vomitting
- Nausea and bloating
- Fell uncofortable arround stomach
- Can't do BM (Bowel Movement ) or difficult for having defication Every day
How we can treat constipation ?.
The good way to treat constipation are :
- When you eat some food and drink water chew well so your enzym around our mouth can be working and when food coming to stomach that will be more soft and easy digest.
- Take some food have high fiber as like pepaya or green vegatables
- Do enough exercise
- Do massage around your stomach before sleep arround 5 until 10 minutes
- Take enough of water and
Avoid spicy and acid foods - The last way is do colonic or colon cleansing .
Colon Cancer .
Most cases of colon cancer beginning from small tumor or called benign or adenomatous polyps. This polys the size from small can be biger size if the cell grow up. For make sure this symtom colon cancer the doctor will give you sugestion or advace to do laboratory test like do biopsy or screening test for the cell and Colonoscopy and some test.
Symtom of colon cancer are :
1. Worsening constipation, blood in the stool, decrease in stool calibre, loss of appetite, loss of weight
2.Nausea and Vomitting
3. Rectal Bleeding
4. Genetics
The person have colon cancer can't do colonic. Because cell of colon is not good condition and can be bleeding if put some perssure inside the colon.
How we treat colon cancer ?.
The answer are :
1. Do some diet as like : eat enough fruit, vegetable and less eat meat.
2. Apirin and celecoxib appear to decrease the risk of colesterol cancer in those at high risk .
3.Take vitamin D (kalsiferol ) .Vitamin D not only from Sun light, but some food contain vitamin D as like : cod liver oil,mushrooms,soy milk, green nut, and tuna fish.
5. Chemotherapy
6. Alternatif treatment is do ozone therapy.
Ozone therapy is an on going medical efforts as preventive therapy and repair / healing diseases by using oxygen (O2) and ozone (O3) which is inserted into the body through the blood, or outside the body. The goal of therapy is to optimize organ function.
2. What is the process and what kind of treatment?
Methods and Installments:
1) Apheresis
a therapeutic process in which blood is circulated with a system called apheresis, which aims to enrich the oxygen and ozone in the blood so that the distribution of oxygen to the tissues better / fulfilled.
At the time of treatment will be changes in the color of blood. Blood-black to bright red because it is enriched by oxygen. During the process of therapy is also visible plaque - cholesterol plaques are interested because it reacts with ozone. After ozone therapy, there is a discharge of fluid from the blood filtration tubes (dializer) containing triglycerides, LDL cholesterol and a variety of toxins that go wasted as the therapy progresses.
The goal of therapy is to apheresis blood circulation, blood thins dense, very effective for lowering blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar and uric acid. Apheresis is also good for preventing heart attack and stroke.
2) Saline
A process which used intravenous fluid therapy is dibubble / mixed with oxygen and ozone, and inserted into the blood through the infusion.
Saline treatment goal is to lower blood pressure, both for therapy in the elderly and children, as well as patients with stroke due to bleeding (hemoragic stroke).
3) Bagging
An external therapeutic process, which is used to accelerate wound healing, where by injury to the skin or tissue wrapped in a special plastic, which is then inserted into a plastic ozone is thus directly exposed to ozone injury.
Bagging therapeutic goal is to deal with cases of foot ulcers caused by complications of diabetes mellitus, impaired blood vessel in the leg and injured the other infections
4) Vaginal Insufflations
Ozone is inserted into the vagina using a disposable catheter (tube immediately discarded after use)
The goal of therapy is to vaginal insufflation cases of infection in the genitals (genital) the outside and the inside of the vagina. This therapy is also good to deal with problems of infertility in women of childbearing age.
5) Rectal Insufflations
Ozone is inserted into the rectum using a disposable catheter (tube immediately discarded after use).
The goal of therapy is rectal insufflation to handle cases of infection in the lower gastrointestinal tract and is also used as a combination therapy with another ozone therapies, particularly therapies aimed at addressing systemic diseases (diseases affecting organs inside the body as a whole ).
Rectal insufflation is also good to deal with infections and systemic disorders in children.
6) Ear Insufflations
Ozone is inserted into the ear canal using a special small hose that only disposable (disposable ear tube).
The goal of therapy is to deal with cases of inner ear infection.
7) Vaginal Dispersion
rinsing the vagina with ozone water is sprayed into the vagina.
The goal of therapy is to prevent and deal with genital tract infections (genital), keeping vaginal hygiene, prevent vaginal discharge and odor caused by whiteness.
3. Whether the patient's blood can be contaminated with the blood of another patient in the machine?
The patient's blood will not go into the machine, the blood will circulate in the blood hose and tube filters (dializer). All the tools to be a place of blood circulation is a tool that is disposable (throw them) and are not repeated sterilization performed on these tools.
4. How many times therapy should be done? And how long interval (frequency) of each treatment?
· Apheresis 5 times, which is then evaluated whether it needs it or not. Frequency of once a week, at least once in 2 weeks old, in certain cases, twice in one week.
· Saline 10 times. Frequency every day or every other day.
· Bagging 10 times. Frequency every day or every other day
· Vaginal Insufflations. Frequency every day or every other day
· Rectal Insufflations. Frequency every day or every other day
· Ear Insufflations. Frequency every day or every other day
· Vaginal dispersion. Done a week before or after menstruation. To maintain hygiene done once a month.
5.What long each process therapy progresses?
· Apheresis, the process of therapy is not more than 2 hours.
· Saline, Bagging, the process of therapy is not more than 1 hours.
· Vaginal Insuflation, ± 10-15 minute treatment process.
· Rectal Insufflations, ± 10-15 minute treatment process.
· Ear Insufflations, ± 10-15 minute treatment process.
· Vaginal dispersion, the process of therapy 5-10 minutes.
8. What are the benefits of ozone therapy?
· Smooth circulation of blood
· Clean the existing crusts on the walls of blood vessels, flex and prevent injury and bleeding blood vessels, eliminate and prevent the narrowing of blood vessel blockage.
· Lowers cholesterol, triglycerides, uric acid and blood pressure stabilizes.
· Improve the function and strength of the heart that pumps the blood volume increases, to prevent stroke and stroke patients could speed recovery after stroke.
· Increase the body's resistance to disease.
· Oxidizing toxins / poisons that accumulate in the body from pollution and foods that contain lots of chemicals.
· To supply the entire body with pure oxygen, so that the cells remain healthy and able to function optimally.
· Reducing lifelong drug dependence.
· As an anti-aging.
9. Is it addictive?
No. Because Ozone is naturally in the body which later broke into O2 and O. O2 worn body and O atoms oxidize a variety of pathogenic microorganisms in the body
10. What age can do this therapy?
There is no age limit. From children to adults. In older people can do ozone infusions, whereas in children, therapies to do is infuse ozone and anal insufflation (through the anus).
11. Is medicine from the doctor that the patient is being consumed can be stopped?
Not recommended. Because ozone therapy is a complementary therapy that treatment with ozone and drugs go hand in hand and complement each other. Later when the drug dose is achieved treatment targets can be scaled back or even off altogether.
12. When treatment is completed, how maintenance program?
Depending on the weight of the disease. Average for maintannance way Apheresis and every 3 months for 1 month Saline way.
13. Anyone who is not allowed to ozone therapy?
· Abnormalities of the thyroid gland.
· History of bleeding.
· The number of platelets in the blood cells is below normal.
· Disorders of blood clotting.
· History of cramps.
· Chronic Inflammation of the pancreas.
· History of allergies to ozone, in which the response of each individual differently.
14. What preparations must be made by the patient prior to therapy?
There is no special preparation, just should not eat as close to the time 1 hour after meals. If you want to do 10-12 hour fasting laboratory to laboratory examination of blood.
15. Is ozone can lose weight?
Yes, through the use of ozone therapy with liposuction. Name of the therapy is Ozonated Non-Surgical Liposuction Slimming Therapy.
16. How does it work?
Ozone can break the bonds of fat in the body thus simplifying the process of fat burning. Ozone is also tightens sagging skin such as in the abdomen, buttocks, thighs, forearms, and other places that the location of fat deposits.
17. Is definitely cured with this therapy?
Ozone therapy is a complementary therapy, patients continue to use the drug - a drug that has been consumed, ozone therapy itself is very helpful primary therapy, so the better the healing process and after the improved health problems, drug dosage can be reduced. Thus, ozone itself helps to reduce patient dose and drug dependence.
Source :
The ozone therapy true the blood can be oksidasi processing in to the cell and give pure oksigen to the body , so the ozone helping for make cell more better.
When you can find Ozone therapy in Ubud?.
From July 2013 Ozone therapy already get in Ubud area ( Gaia Holistic ). The location is Jalan Raya Sanggingan .Beside Paul Ropp Colection . The phone number (0361) 975119. Our practitioner already have 10 years experience give ozone therapy. He is China medecine doctor from Australia. And already give many treatment ozone therapy in his country. And he be volunteer at Yayasan Bumi Sehat.
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