Rabu, 21 Agustus 2013


The colon also known as the large instestine a part disgetive system.The location colon is at the end of the digestive tract in the abdominal cavity. The part of colon are : Ascending colon, Tranverse  colon, sigmoid colon and rectum.The function of the colon is  is mainly responsible for storing waste, reclaiming water, maintaining the water balance, absorbing some vitamins, such as vitamin K, and providing a location for flora-aided fermentation.Although we do bowel movement or defecation every day, but that is some hard stool can't come directly to your Anal. That need times. That why you can get constipation or fell bloating all the times. Because there is somethings stuck in your large instestine or colon . Every things need process.For fix that problem there is alternatif treatment . We are call that treatment is colonic . Colonic or we can call colon irrigation is one way to clean our colon with warm water or steril of water use special equipment and special machine.The processing very simple. The client just lie down in the bad, the nurse will do all procedure. The session wil be 45 minute for the first times client  do colonic. and Maximun 1 hour the client already do many times colonic.The prosesing will beginning from low pressure of water ,medium and high pressure. The purpose is for make client more fell comportable and adaptation with temperature of water or making nerve around colon can be adaptation with pressure of water  . So the client not fell nausea and cramping. I,m a general  a nurse. And have 11 years experience. I starting doing colonic from July 2012 until now. I working at Gaia Holistic. I trained with dr.Candra. For 1 years my experience be colonic a nurse. May be already around 300 or 500 client done colonic with me. Usualy my client are do detox program at Villa Gaia or another places. And  my client come from out side. And commonly have problem like constipation, diarea and bloating. With colonic that will be help full. As one year i do colonic to the client a lot experience i get. There are black stool come out, brown color stool , soft stool and green color, mucus and etc. Every day i just see stool or feces and bottom :). I know this funny . But this is my job. Not only good things i get. But i got bad things too. As like my client complain because nothings come out or the first times they fell not comfortable with the tube , the client din't want to pay because they said our price to expensive  or another things. But i,m be a nurse doesn't need to be worry about that . I just keep clam and be relax because i know what should i do with this situation . I don't want be angry or upset if any my client or customer complain. Because if they complaint i think may be they want get cheap price or din't want to pay or want to make truble  for  me. The colonic procedure is all do by steril with use gloves and steril machine. Our machine have 3 stage water purification . Before the procedure colonic begin the client should be fill the form and get explain from the nurse. So when the proses that will be more easy.

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