Kamis, 12 September 2013


Holy that mean good and clean things from out side and for inside our body, mind and soul. Holistic  that mean place or area that do holy things. Treatment that mean therapy or medical action to treat some illnes or diseases or health problem  . The  health problem  can be from physical and mental or pshsicology . Pshysical problem very easy to get healing but physicology problem that difficult to be heal , need a lot of processing and many way. Phsical  problem can be treat by take some medecine hebal or non herbal , but mental problem or physicology problem can treat by alternatife treatment like do retreat or detox program , yoga, meditation or do spiritual things like go to holy water temple or visiting holy place or looking for spiritual teacher .  If we have mental or physicology problem ,spiritual teacher or holy person will be more help us. Because they can give us good advice and can make our heart and mind more relax and comfortable.

The symtom mental or physicology problem are : trautma, stress, paranoid, angry with out reaseon , un trust with anythings and ect. But careful if you have problem with your sleep that  will make you tied and can be less concentration . Because difficult to sleep every day may be you get insomnia symtom . Our brain work 24 hour /days  or never stop working. Although we sleep , our brain still working . If you fell like that just take some medecine for make your brain more relax .As like take valisanbe 5mg with doses 1 tablet before sleep or diazepam 5 mg . Or do yoga and meditation or drink small glass of milk. But please don't take valisanbe 5 mg every day . The side efect can be addictive. Just take that medecine when you fell need it.

In Ubud there is alot of place can do alternatif treatment as like Yoga Barn ,Alcamy ,Gaia Holistic , Taksu SPA and ect. They all have qualified therapys and have  a lot of experience. Gaia Holistic is new place and almost open 1 years 2 months now.  Gaia Holistic do many kinds of treatment. "Please read my blog about treatment at Gaia Holistic " .  Gaia Holistic have qualified therapys and professional . They  have team work and always work together . That the most important .So  if you need help come to Gaia Holistic please ! .

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