The families then move to kuburan or grave for a ceremony to wake up the dead when a piece of earth of the grave is placed within the effigies , after they move to grave where the effigies are placed in the houses and the newly dead are welcome home.The activity then moves to the grave where the physical remains of the dead will be dug up.
On 19, September 2013 from 08:00am the ceremony is Nyuwung . That mean this day member of Banjar or community of Desa Pekraman Padangtegal will go to grave or kuburan to clean it up and flatten the ground again in preparation of the cremation .And on 08:30 am the families will collect a spirit cloth at the wantilan( Big bulding usually for community of village do meeting or performance ) to opposite the Pura Desa.
On 20, September 2013 at 08:00 am the ceremony is Pembersihan . In procession to Pura Beji Jungut at JL.Raya Monkey Forest ,Gang Okawati where the tirta or holy water will be collected from the spring. And at 05:00 pm at the petak or grave a last cleansing of the bodies takes place in a ceremony conducted by Ida Pedanda or Brahmana. On midnight tirta or holy water is collected from the river at Gunung Sari . Pembersihan is mean cleaning the spirit and death body . So the soul the death person can be more holy and have good places at beside of god. And the procession of ceremony follow by Holy dance like Tupeng Sidakarya Dance , holy song and some offering and they and close by do prayer. From the begining ceremony lead by Brahmana or we call Ida Pedanda.
Today on 21, September 2013 at 01:00 am blessing by Brahmana or Ida pedanda at the Petak .
Petak is place for put sacopargus, offering and center of ceremony procession . At the grave under the supervision of Brahmana the space will be subdivided and places designed for the Bale the roofed structures in which the sarchopagi will be placed before the burning, after which the Bale will be built at 09:00 am.After that all sarchopagi (lion, gajah mine ,bulls and ect ) will be cleansed and blessing by Brahmana or Ida Pedanda wich holy mantra, holy song , offerings and holy water. The purpose is hope all can be clean with sekala and niskala and all the ceremony can be better and have good way .And on 10:30 am the sarchopagi will be bring or carried to grave for burning. For the burning procession will be take abouth 2 hours .And the ashes of the deceased can be pick up and place into the young coconut.End then the ashes will carried to Champuhan river for thrown into the river .So the purpose is for the next destination of ashes is carried to the sea. At 03:00 pm at the petak a last ceremony will be conducted by Pemangku, village priest ,cutting the last ties between deceased and living.
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