When your smile , you like full moon give me shine
When you laughing, you give me more happines
When you talking , you give me good advice
When you walking ,you like my model
When you eating , you always give me your food
When i fell down , you raise me up
When i,m fell lonly you always beside me
You are my soul sister .
Long distance doesn't make us fell so far each other
You always in my heart all the times
From here i give you 1000 hugh
From here i give you more than 100 million love
Frome here i give you more care
My soul sister let's up our head
My soul sister let's i miss you
I,m sorry if i have big mistake before
My soul sister ,i love you
When i,m die don't forget please give your smile .
Senin, 30 September 2013
Kamis, 26 September 2013
The last digestive sytem the processing in large intestine or colon. Colon is place of stool or feces and have bad bacteria and good bacteria inside. They can produce vitamin B and that will be absorb in our body. As long bad bacteria and good bacteria work in colon to produce of vitamin B, that prosecing can produce gas too in colon. Normaly our body produce of gas 3 liters / day. But if we eat some food and drink alcohol and soda water. Our stomach will have more gas inside. That why you can fell bloating and gasy. But gas can be cause by stomach problem as like have some diases " gastritis, ulcer , colon cancer and IBS ( Intestinal Bowel Syndrome )". About colon please read my first blog so you can get more information about that.
So solution if you have problem like this or fell have gas and bloating in your stomach are:
1. Do some exercise as like : joging, dancing, Qi gong, Push up, runing ,give masage on your stomach are before sleep and ect.
2. Please avoid spicy food, acid food and avoid soda and alcohol drink .
3. Please don't eat much vegetable or food can produce gas.
Colonic is alternative treatment clean of colon or large intestine with sterile of warm water use special equipment. Colonic is good for clean colon from old stool and can makes come out our gas in our stomach . Because when water fill in there is some contraction happen inside of colon. The colonic will be do minimal 45 minute and maximal 1 hours. Beside colonic can release of gas another benefit do colonic are :
1. Make grow up imune sytem
2. Fell more light
3. Less constipation
4. Less bloating
6. Lose Body Weight
So solution if you have problem like this or fell have gas and bloating in your stomach are:
1. Do some exercise as like : joging, dancing, Qi gong, Push up, runing ,give masage on your stomach are before sleep and ect.
2. Please avoid spicy food, acid food and avoid soda and alcohol drink .
3. Please don't eat much vegetable or food can produce gas.
List of Foods That Will Cause Gas
- Apples
- Artichokes
- Asparagus
- Beans
- Broccoli
- Brussel Sprouts
- Cabbage
- Cheese
- Corn
- Fruit Drinks
- Ice Cream
- Milk and Milk Products
- Onions
- Pasta
- Peaches
- Pears
- Potatoes
- Prunes
- Soft Drinks
- Whole Wheat
Colonic is alternative treatment clean of colon or large intestine with sterile of warm water use special equipment. Colonic is good for clean colon from old stool and can makes come out our gas in our stomach . Because when water fill in there is some contraction happen inside of colon. The colonic will be do minimal 45 minute and maximal 1 hours. Beside colonic can release of gas another benefit do colonic are :
1. Make grow up imune sytem
2. Fell more light
3. Less constipation
4. Less bloating
6. Lose Body Weight
Minggu, 22 September 2013
Sabtu, 21 September 2013
one life one soul: Cremation ceremony at Padangtegal Ubud part 2
one life one soul: Cremation ceremony at Padangtegal Ubud part 2: In the course of his life every Balinese goes through a number of lifecycle ceremonies or yadnya which mark such important occasions. These ...
Jumat, 20 September 2013
Cremation ceremony at Padangtegal Ubud part 2
In the course of his life every Balinese goes through a number of lifecycle ceremonies or yadnya which mark such important occasions. These are accompanied by ritual which is sometimes very simple and at other times extremely elaborate. Although every one of those Yadnya or ceremonies is as important as any of the others creamtion (Ngaben ) ceremonies stand out because of the very elaborate ritual involved. Today Desa Pekraman Padangtegal already 3 days do procession of mass cremation ceremony . Every single days they have different program . The starting cremation ceremony from 18, September 2013 from 07:00 am this day is Ngewangun . That mean the families of the deceased assemble at the Pura Desa In Jalan Hanoman after which they will go to Griya (The house of Ida Pedanda or holy man or Brahmana) In Jalan Sugriwa where the will receive an effigy of the deceased prepared by Ida Pedanda or Brahmana.Then next procession the comunity will go to Pura Dalem Padangtegal at Mongkey forest area ,where a ceremony is held to allow the spirit of the deceased to enter the effigies after which they will porecessing at Pura Prajapati, the graveyard temple ,where the intention to cremate is confirmed about at 11:00 am.
The families then move to kuburan or grave for a ceremony to wake up the dead when a piece of earth of the grave is placed within the effigies , after they move to grave where the effigies are placed in the houses and the newly dead are welcome home.The activity then moves to the grave where the physical remains of the dead will be dug up.
On 19, September 2013 from 08:00am the ceremony is Nyuwung . That mean this day member of Banjar or community of Desa Pekraman Padangtegal will go to grave or kuburan to clean it up and flatten the ground again in preparation of the cremation .And on 08:30 am the families will collect a spirit cloth at the wantilan( Big bulding usually for community of village do meeting or performance ) to opposite the Pura Desa.
On 20, September 2013 at 08:00 am the ceremony is Pembersihan . In procession to Pura Beji Jungut at JL.Raya Monkey Forest ,Gang Okawati where the tirta or holy water will be collected from the spring. And at 05:00 pm at the petak or grave a last cleansing of the bodies takes place in a ceremony conducted by Ida Pedanda or Brahmana. On midnight tirta or holy water is collected from the river at Gunung Sari . Pembersihan is mean cleaning the spirit and death body . So the soul the death person can be more holy and have good places at beside of god. And the procession of ceremony follow by Holy dance like Tupeng Sidakarya Dance , holy song and some offering and they and close by do prayer. From the begining ceremony lead by Brahmana or we call Ida Pedanda.
The families then move to kuburan or grave for a ceremony to wake up the dead when a piece of earth of the grave is placed within the effigies , after they move to grave where the effigies are placed in the houses and the newly dead are welcome home.The activity then moves to the grave where the physical remains of the dead will be dug up.
On 19, September 2013 from 08:00am the ceremony is Nyuwung . That mean this day member of Banjar or community of Desa Pekraman Padangtegal will go to grave or kuburan to clean it up and flatten the ground again in preparation of the cremation .And on 08:30 am the families will collect a spirit cloth at the wantilan( Big bulding usually for community of village do meeting or performance ) to opposite the Pura Desa.
On 20, September 2013 at 08:00 am the ceremony is Pembersihan . In procession to Pura Beji Jungut at JL.Raya Monkey Forest ,Gang Okawati where the tirta or holy water will be collected from the spring. And at 05:00 pm at the petak or grave a last cleansing of the bodies takes place in a ceremony conducted by Ida Pedanda or Brahmana. On midnight tirta or holy water is collected from the river at Gunung Sari . Pembersihan is mean cleaning the spirit and death body . So the soul the death person can be more holy and have good places at beside of god. And the procession of ceremony follow by Holy dance like Tupeng Sidakarya Dance , holy song and some offering and they and close by do prayer. From the begining ceremony lead by Brahmana or we call Ida Pedanda.
Today on 21, September 2013 at 01:00 am blessing by Brahmana or Ida pedanda at the Petak .
Petak is place for put sacopargus, offering and center of ceremony procession . At the grave under the supervision of Brahmana the space will be subdivided and places designed for the Bale the roofed structures in which the sarchopagi will be placed before the burning, after which the Bale will be built at 09:00 am.After that all sarchopagi (lion, gajah mine ,bulls and ect ) will be cleansed and blessing by Brahmana or Ida Pedanda wich holy mantra, holy song , offerings and holy water. The purpose is hope all can be clean with sekala and niskala and all the ceremony can be better and have good way .And on 10:30 am the sarchopagi will be bring or carried to grave for burning. For the burning procession will be take abouth 2 hours .And the ashes of the deceased can be pick up and place into the young coconut.End then the ashes will carried to Champuhan river for thrown into the river .So the purpose is for the next destination of ashes is carried to the sea. At 03:00 pm at the petak a last ceremony will be conducted by Pemangku, village priest ,cutting the last ties between deceased and living.
Rabu, 18 September 2013
Ngaben or Cremation Ceremony at Desa Padangtegal Ubud
Ngaben or cremation
ceremony is part of culture of Bali
Island. We have two kinds of ngaben
they are : individual ngaben and massal ngaben. Individual ngaben that
do by one family or individual way ,usually the member family death by sunddenly
and this family have high kasta and reach family. Massal ngaben usually do
every 5 years each village in Bali. Massal ngaben do by member of community each
village . And the cost massal ngaben usually from village or collected by community.
The cost massal ngaben will be more cheap than individual ngaben.
This ritual for to send
the deceased to the next life.The
body of the deceased will be placed as if sleeping, and the family will
continue to treat the deceased as sleeping. No tears are shed, because the
deceased is only temporarily not present and will reincarnate
or find his final rest in Moksha (freeing from the reincarnation and death cycle).
The proper day of the
ceremony is always a matter of consulting a specialist on ceremony days. On the
day of the ceremony, the body of the deceased is placed inside a coffin. This coffin
is placed inside a sarcophagus resembling a buffalo (Lembu) or in a temple
structure (Wadah) made of paper and wood. The buffalo or temple structure will
be carried to the cremation site in a procession. The procession is not
walking in a straight line. This is to confuse bad spirits and keep them away
from the deceased.The climax of Ngaben is the burning of the whole structure, together with the body of the deceased. The fire is necessary to free the spirit from the body and enable reincarnation.
This vidio when my grand father take from the ground to burning in the fire for next proceccion ceremony .
Today in my village (
Pekraman Desa Padangtegal Ubud) doing first procession of ngaben or creamtion
ceremony. Our village have almost 84 death people will be do cremation . The
top of cremation in My village will be on 21 th September 2013. All our community
have participation for this ceremony . We do gotong royong or work together
each other so all the procession have good way or efficient.Cremation usually cremation ceremony is generally led by holy man or sulingih (pemangku and Ida pedanda ). They will do procession with holy mantra, holy song ,offerings and the end we prayer together. Appealed to the god of the dead person for give his side.
After the fire all bone and part of body will be put on jar and closed by white and yellow clothes with flowers and do next step preocession of ceremony .
Typically, mourners try not to cry during these ceremonies for fear that they will halt the deceased in their journey to the afterlife. But some communities believe the shedding of a tear towards the end of the ritual can mean the spirit has completed its journey.
Hindu believe our body from five element they are : water,fire ,air, earth and ether. So Every Hindu people when die should be do ngaben or cremation ceremony. Because that we believe do ngaben our soul or spirit will be quickly to get reincarnation . And our body can quickly back to five element.
Hindu relegion believe karma and karma phala. Karma thats mean our action and phala that means result of our action . So if you do bad things as long as you live in the wold the result will get bad things too.Or if we do good things we will get good things too. That only simple example. The karma phala can be sundenly you get, after next live your get or directly you get.
And about reincarnation that can be happend in our lives. We can believe it or not. Because we never know about that. Because we can`t see after die when our soul/spirit or roh go. We just can see our body/ physical already die . We have real wold or that call skala and not real wold or that call niskala.
Sabtu, 14 September 2013
Cup Massage
Yesterday i went to Denpasar to bought china medicine. And i interesting about one things .That about cup massage equipment the price just 100 K (IDR ) OR 10$. But that makes from plastic. I looking for Cup massage equipment makes from glass. But I and my friend din't found it. Cup Massage very new knowledge for me. I thinks my friend will teach me soon. Hope soo.
I always have good friend, he want teach me every things and give more opportunity and new knowledge all the times.
Cup massage is type of massage based on the local impact on human body with rarefied air. This method of theraphy through the use of decreased pressure is a type of vacuum therapy , widely used nowdays for treating a variety of human diseases. I read from goegle the history cup massage already from 1000 years ago .It was widely used in the times of ancient Roman empire . But in china cups massage therapy combine with acupuncture.Most often cup massage used to back, chest, limbs and even face. The procedure will be 10 minute until 20 minute. If the client fell discomfort and fell pain as long procedure. The therapy can be stop .They area skin after treatment becomes red color or hyiperemic and congested. Because when the processing the treatment cup as like give pressure to your skin so the blood sirkulation at arround the area as like attracted upwards by a warm temperature of a cup. Cup massage is very effective for eliminating stasis and improving blood and lymph circulation.
This is one picture i took from goegle about cup massage. I should try and buy the equipment. So i can practice everyday my skill.
So you want to try cup massage therapy ?. May be that will good for our healthy. Why not we try do alternative treatment if have problem with our health !. :)
I always have good friend, he want teach me every things and give more opportunity and new knowledge all the times.
Cup massage is type of massage based on the local impact on human body with rarefied air. This method of theraphy through the use of decreased pressure is a type of vacuum therapy , widely used nowdays for treating a variety of human diseases. I read from goegle the history cup massage already from 1000 years ago .It was widely used in the times of ancient Roman empire . But in china cups massage therapy combine with acupuncture.Most often cup massage used to back, chest, limbs and even face. The procedure will be 10 minute until 20 minute. If the client fell discomfort and fell pain as long procedure. The therapy can be stop .They area skin after treatment becomes red color or hyiperemic and congested. Because when the processing the treatment cup as like give pressure to your skin so the blood sirkulation at arround the area as like attracted upwards by a warm temperature of a cup. Cup massage is very effective for eliminating stasis and improving blood and lymph circulation.
This is one picture i took from goegle about cup massage. I should try and buy the equipment. So i can practice everyday my skill.
So you want to try cup massage therapy ?. May be that will good for our healthy. Why not we try do alternative treatment if have problem with our health !. :)
Kamis, 12 September 2013
Holy that mean good and clean things from out side and for inside our body, mind and soul. Holistic that mean place or area that do holy things. Treatment that mean therapy or medical action to treat some illnes or diseases or health problem . The health problem can be from physical and mental or pshsicology . Pshysical problem very easy to get healing but physicology problem that difficult to be heal , need a lot of processing and many way. Phsical problem can be treat by take some medecine hebal or non herbal , but mental problem or physicology problem can treat by alternatife treatment like do retreat or detox program , yoga, meditation or do spiritual things like go to holy water temple or visiting holy place or looking for spiritual teacher . If we have mental or physicology problem ,spiritual teacher or holy person will be more help us. Because they can give us good advice and can make our heart and mind more relax and comfortable.
The symtom mental or physicology problem are : trautma, stress, paranoid, angry with out reaseon , un trust with anythings and ect. But careful if you have problem with your sleep that will make you tied and can be less concentration . Because difficult to sleep every day may be you get insomnia symtom . Our brain work 24 hour /days or never stop working. Although we sleep , our brain still working . If you fell like that just take some medecine for make your brain more relax .As like take valisanbe 5mg with doses 1 tablet before sleep or diazepam 5 mg . Or do yoga and meditation or drink small glass of milk. But please don't take valisanbe 5 mg every day . The side efect can be addictive. Just take that medecine when you fell need it.
In Ubud there is alot of place can do alternatif treatment as like Yoga Barn ,Alcamy ,Gaia Holistic , Taksu SPA and ect. They all have qualified therapys and have a lot of experience. Gaia Holistic is new place and almost open 1 years 2 months now. Gaia Holistic do many kinds of treatment. "Please read my blog about treatment at Gaia Holistic " . Gaia Holistic have qualified therapys and professional . They have team work and always work together . That the most important .So if you need help come to Gaia Holistic please ! .
The symtom mental or physicology problem are : trautma, stress, paranoid, angry with out reaseon , un trust with anythings and ect. But careful if you have problem with your sleep that will make you tied and can be less concentration . Because difficult to sleep every day may be you get insomnia symtom . Our brain work 24 hour /days or never stop working. Although we sleep , our brain still working . If you fell like that just take some medecine for make your brain more relax .As like take valisanbe 5mg with doses 1 tablet before sleep or diazepam 5 mg . Or do yoga and meditation or drink small glass of milk. But please don't take valisanbe 5 mg every day . The side efect can be addictive. Just take that medecine when you fell need it.
In Ubud there is alot of place can do alternatif treatment as like Yoga Barn ,Alcamy ,Gaia Holistic , Taksu SPA and ect. They all have qualified therapys and have a lot of experience. Gaia Holistic is new place and almost open 1 years 2 months now. Gaia Holistic do many kinds of treatment. "Please read my blog about treatment at Gaia Holistic " . Gaia Holistic have qualified therapys and professional . They have team work and always work together . That the most important .So if you need help come to Gaia Holistic please ! .
Jumat, 06 September 2013
Colon or we call large intestine that the last a part of disgetive sytem in our body. Location of colon is intra peritonial or abdominal cavity or behind od retro peritonium. A part of colon are : colon ascending, tranverse colon , descending colon , sigmoid and rectum . Colon Ascending and descending colon and rectum are rectoperitonial and colon transverse,sigmoid colon while the caekum and apendic is intraperitoneal. Colon have haustra . And blood supply colon are comes from branch of the Superior Mesentrica Artery (SMA) and Inferior Mesentric antery (IMA). And Inferior Mesentric Vein and Superior Mesentric Vein.
One of the main functions of the colon is to remove the water and other key nutrients from waste material and recycle it back into the body. As the waste material exits the small intestine it will move into the cecum and then the ascending colon where this process of extracting starts. The waste material is moved upwards toward the transverse section of the colon by a process known as peristalsis.
Ascending colon
The ascending colon is one part of four sections of the large intestine. This first section of the large intestine is connected to the small intestine by a section of bowel called the cecum. The ascending colon runs through the abdominal cavity, upwards toward the transverse colon for approximately eight inches (20 cm).One of the main functions of the colon is to remove the water and other key nutrients from waste material and recycle it back into the body. As the waste material exits the small intestine it will move into the cecum and then the ascending colon where this process of extracting starts. The waste material is moved upwards toward the transverse section of the colon by a process known as peristalsis.
Transverse colon
The tranverse colon is the part of colon from hepatic flexure to the splenic flexure .The tranverse colon conected to Ascending colon .
Descending colon
The descending colon is the part of the colon from the splenic flexure to the beginning of the sigmoid colon. The function of the descending colon in the digestive system is to store faeces that will be emptied into the rectum.Sigmoid colon
The sigmoid colon is the part of the large intestine after descending colon and before the rectum.The walls of the sigmoid colon are muscular, and contract to increase the pressure inside the colon, causing the stool to move into the rectum.
Function of Large intestine
The large intestine is mainly responsible for storing waste, reclaiming water, maintaining the water balance, absorbing some vitamins, such as vitamin K, and providing a location for flora-aided fermentation.
Reference from goegle
Rabu, 04 September 2013
Gaia Holistic
Gaia Holistic Open from July 2012 until Now . With the first manager is Amanda Houle. She is has good personality and can understand her employee and very clever person. She hard working. But she already back to USA . And our new manager has handle Gaia Holistic.
Before Gaia Holistic name is Ubud Holistic. Because this is a part of Villa Gaia . We doing this business step by step . We know have new brand is very dificult to get customer and in the first times open no body know about Gaia Holistic. Un lucky our website Gaia Holistic not yet done. Because some reason that difficult to understand. We never give up. We all the times try and try to do some promotion via Bali Advatiser and Ubud Life and put some brosur at Hotel and Villa In Ubud Area . Althoug for make this business need a lot of money.But we trust step by step Gaia Holistic will be more grow up. Just be patient all will be more better. Gaia Holistic already have average 800 client a years. So not too bad for new business. But we need more client come to Gaia Holistic. Our office open 7/7 day. From 09:00 AM until 05:00 PM.
This our list price our treatment at Gaia Holistic. We have profesional team work and each therapys have many experience for each treatment. Please read my Blog About Gaia Holistic and our treatment on my first writen . If you need help and interest with our treatment and our detox program please contact us . At : desakputusuliani@gmail.com .I receive your email 24 hours. Or my personal contact at +6281338944062.
Before Gaia Holistic name is Ubud Holistic. Because this is a part of Villa Gaia . We doing this business step by step . We know have new brand is very dificult to get customer and in the first times open no body know about Gaia Holistic. Un lucky our website Gaia Holistic not yet done. Because some reason that difficult to understand. We never give up. We all the times try and try to do some promotion via Bali Advatiser and Ubud Life and put some brosur at Hotel and Villa In Ubud Area . Althoug for make this business need a lot of money.But we trust step by step Gaia Holistic will be more grow up. Just be patient all will be more better. Gaia Holistic already have average 800 client a years. So not too bad for new business. But we need more client come to Gaia Holistic. Our office open 7/7 day. From 09:00 AM until 05:00 PM.
This our list price our treatment at Gaia Holistic. We have profesional team work and each therapys have many experience for each treatment. Please read my Blog About Gaia Holistic and our treatment on my first writen . If you need help and interest with our treatment and our detox program please contact us . At : desakputusuliani@gmail.com .I receive your email 24 hours. Or my personal contact at +6281338944062.
100,000/30 MINUTE
300,000/30 MINUTE
300,000/30 MINUTE
buddhawithin@gmail.com And the payment can do by cash only .
Thank for your attention.We hope you can enjoy our treatment and can help you fell more better and have good health all the times.
Location at :JL.Raya Sanggingan , close by Pulau Kelapa Restorant or Beside Paul Ropp Colection.
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