Senin, 04 November 2013


Mirror is made from the glass. Usually mirror use by people for accessories or for selling and decoration . Mirrors are also used in scientific apparatus such as telescopes and lasers, cameras, and industrial machinery. Most mirrors are designed for visible light; however, mirrors designed for other types of waves or other wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation are also used, especially in non-optical instruments.Very easy looking for mirror, we can find it in the shop, art shop, in the house and ext.  
Mirror not just only for see your face or body , but i think mirror can be therapy for your self. Especially we have mental problem . As like you have less confident with your self. If you have problem like that my suggestion is please so simple exercise every day " watching your self in front of mirror every wake up early morning and before sleep ". So this exercise gonna find so many question in your head example " why i don't like my self, why i like that/ this.... ". If you have many question please watching your self more deeper.... more deeper... . And finally you will find the answer.  Please do this exercise every day. For this method  will bring you to transformation to your lives.  Watching in the mirror  is like do feed back to our self. Example " every day you go to office and do a lot off work , meet partner or do some meeting ". That situation have high stress full level for your body and brain, our emotional can't control when you do argument, you will find agree and disagree situation . And finally after times up you back to home with this stress. If we can't find how to release stress level that will be dangerous for your self. So the best why are " go to bath room wash your face and watch your face 1 minute  and ask to your self what,why and how can be happen and what is the best solution ". After finish this exercise take a rest and drink some water. That will more enjoy and solve our problem . Please try ... And good luck 

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