Rabu, 31 Juli 2013


Poem :

I do not know what happened to me right now
I'm confused and indecisive to decide something
I hurt too many people at this time
I'm confused

why all came and go ?
promising an uncertain
is there any way out of all this?

I made this all
as a like my memory is lose
God give me strength and power
so I could come back as myself who originally
I do not want to hurt anyone
I just want them to be happy
although I'm suffering

Selasa, 30 Juli 2013



on every side of life there must be good and bad
depending on how we react to it
between good and bad properties are very different thin
very difficult to understand this side of life

but should we give in to the state?
whether we should not believe in yourself?
whether we should stand idly by and continue to regret?
I think not

we must rise
we must fight
we have to be tough
we should be confident
and sure we can


happy or un happy

Be happy or not be happy that  our choice

Minggu, 28 Juli 2013

Between you and me

Between you and me
between sad and happy
between love and close attention
between the soul and the spiritual
all it is the most beautiful gift that I experienced today
I hope this all does not fade with time
all I got from you
made me aware again
that life is very meaningful
without your love, I am nothing
I realized
I'm only human
who can make mistakes
I hope we can understand each other
between you and me
there is a braid may be liberated whichnot

Desak Ani (poem )
Sebuah puisi yg sederhana tapi mempunyai makna yg sangat berarti 

Between you and me
between sad and happy
between love and close attention
between the soul and the spiritual
all it is the most beautiful gift that I experienced today
I hope this all does not fade with time
all I got from you
made me aware again
that life is very meaningful
without your love, I am nothing
I realized
I'm only human
who can make mistakes
I hope we can understand each other
between you and me
there is a braid may be liberated whichnot

Desak Ani